This service is used when a client prefers to run a candidate through Hinge on a temporary basis or for a certain period of time (up to two years, but no less than six months) prior to making a permanent hire.
This service is used when a client prefers to run a candidate through Hinge prior to making a permanent hire. Generally speaking, Hinge will hire a candidate for a minimum of six-months, at which time the “temporary placement” will convert to a “permanent placement” before becoming a full-time employee of the client.
This option is chosen when the client would like Hinge to identify and secure a resource to become a permanent/full-time employee of the client upon an agreed hire date. The permanent placement receives a salary from the client and Hinge receives a one-time “Perm Fee.” Hinge offers a guarantee on all permanent placements for a period of 90 calendar days beginning on the candidate’s employment start date. If the candidate vacates the position for any reason within the first 90 days of his or her start date, Hinge can either assist in finding a replacement candidate or will refund half of the placement fee.
Hinge will assign a certain number of dedicated full-time recruiters (to be determined between Hinge and the client) to identify and secure temporary, temporary to permanent and/or permanent resources for an agreed upon period of time exclusively for a single client.